Daily Archives: April 25, 2012

NHL: Top 20 with the Most Game-Winning Goals in Playoff History

Brett Hull and Wayne Gretzky Have the Most Game-Winning Goals in Playoff History

Brett Hull and Wayne Gretzky Have the Most Game-Winning Goals in Playoff History

The NHL postseason is off to an intense start (as usual).

While the West is set for Round 2, the East, already in the first round, has three Game 7s coming up.

The L.A. Kings‘ Jarret Stoll, New York Rangers‘ Brian Boyle and Phoenix Coyotes‘ Mikkel Boedker lead the postseason with two game-winning goals apiece.

But what about all time?

Wayne Gretzky, yup.

And Brett Hull, too. They are the all-time leaders with 24.  Hull did it in six fewer games, though.

No Mario Lemieux? He’s got 11 and just feel short.

Two lists for you today. The first ranks the top 20 skaters with the most postseason game-winning goals.

The second list ranks everybody by percentage of games won. Active Red Wing (though bounced from the first round) Johan Franzen has won more of his playoff games than anyone else.

Follow me on Twitter @VinGetz.


1.  Brett Hull 24 202 11.88%
1. Wayne Gretzky 24 208 11.54%
3.  Joe Sakic  19 172 11.05%
3. Claude Lemieux  19 234 8.12%
5.  Mike Bossy 17 129 13.18%
5. Chris Drury  17 135 12.59%
5. Glenn Anderson 17 225 7.56%
8.  Jaromir Jagr  16 175 9.14%
9.  Mike Modano  15 176 8.52%
10.  Jari Kurri 14 200 7.00%
10. Peter Forsberg  14 151 9.27%
10. Guy Lafleur 14 128 10.94%
13.  Joe Nieuwendyk 13 158 8.23%
13. Dino Ciccarelli 13 141 9.22%
13. Doug Gilmour 13 182 7.14%
13. Stephane Richer  13 134 9.70%
13. Patrick Marleau  13 129 10.08%
13. Bobby Smith  13 184 7.07%
19.  Bryan Trottier 12 221 5.43%
19. Yvan Cournoyer 12 147 8.16%
19. Mark Messier 12 236 5.08%
19. Brian Propp  12 160 7.50%
19. Sergei Fedorov  12 183 6.56%
19. Danny Briere  12 103 11.65%
19. Steve Yzerman 12 196 6.12%
19. Jeremy Roenick  12 154 7.79%
19. Clark Gillies 12 164 7.32%
19. Johan Franzen  12 88 13.64%
19. Vyacheslav Kozlov  12 118 10.17%
19. Luc Robitaille 12 159 7.55%
19. Phil Esposito 12 130 9.23%
19. Jamie Langenbrunner  12 142 8.45%
19. Brendan Shanahan  12 184 6.52%


1. Johan Franzen  12 88 13.64%
2. Mike Bossy 17 129 13.18%
3. Chris Drury  17 135 12.59%
4. Brett Hull 24 202 11.88%
5. Danny Briere  12 103 11.65%
6. Wayne Gretzky 24 208 11.54%
7. Joe Sakic  19 172 11.05%
8. Guy Lafleur 14 128 10.94%
9. Vyacheslav Kozlov  12 118 10.17%
10. Patrick Marleau  13 129 10.08%
11. Stephane Richer  13 134 9.70%
12. Peter Forsberg  14 151 9.27%
13. Phil Esposito 12 130 9.23%
14. Dino Ciccarelli 13 141 9.22%
15. Jaromir Jagr  16 175 9.14%
16. Mike Modano  15 176 8.52%
17. Jamie Langenbrunner  12 142 8.45%
18. Joe Nieuwendyk 13 158 8.23%
19. Yvan Cournoyer 12 147 8.16%
20. Claude Lemieux  19 234 8.12%
21. Jeremy Roenick  12 154 7.79%
22. Glenn Anderson 17 225 7.56%
23. Luc Robitaille 12 159 7.55%
24. Brian Propp  12 160 7.50%
25. Clark Gillies 12 164 7.32%
26. Doug Gilmour 13 182 7.14%
27. Bobby Smith  13 184 7.07%
28. Jari Kurri 14 200 7.00%
29. Sergei Fedorov  12 183 6.56%
30. Brendan Shanahan  12 184 6.52%
31. Steve Yzerman 12 196 6.12%
32. Bryan Trottier 12 221 5.43%
33. Mark Messier 12 236 5.08%

Photo: espn.com / phillysportshistory.com